
Dear Lord- Is this the man you have for me?

God- Why would You let him break up with me?!

Jesus- Can you help me get this job?

Oh Lord- Deliver me from this toxic place!

How often do we ask a question and then get angry over the answer?

We ask God for things or for 'wisdom' all the time but how often do we really mean what we ask?  For me, it's all too often that I don't really want what God has to say on the matter.  I'm just looking for Him to say what I want to hear.  (I mean if we're honest, it's what we expect from people, too... our thoughts and opinions coming out of their mouths.)

In the verses at the top, the people flat out asked Jesus if He was the Messiah and then they were going to stone Him because He said yes.  Um. Did you not want Him to answer when you asked?! 

But isn't that what we do? We ask and then if we decide we don't like the answer, we get angry or blame God. How could He not give me that guy? How could He not bring that new job? Why would He say no? Why did He let me get hurt? Why did He say yes if it was going to be painful in the end?

Ultimately, we are not entitled to an answer and we are certainly not entitled to get our way. 

There's a reason we're told that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways.  (Isaiah 55: 8-9)  We are not to be trusted!  We can see just a glimmer of a future with our own ideas and answers but God sees it all!  He's the One who holds the future, which we know, but we still argue tooth and nail with that truth.  Not thought.  TRUTH.  That means it's not up for debate or negotiation. It's truth that we are either on board with or we're not. 

This week, when you pray, work on shifting your prayer requests towards an attitude of humility.  Physically open your hands and give the requests to Jesus.  Ask for God to show you His truths as you relinquish your perceived control (I mean... we never were in control in the first place) to His glory.  

And when you get those answers that are different from what you'd wanted?  Praise Him anyway.  Thank Him for loving you enough to direct your steps, even if it's not the path you were eyeing.  Call a friend and verbalize that praise.