Must Be Heaven

When you describe Heaven, what do you say?  Is it a beach with fruity umbrella drinks?  Is it a weekend in the mountains with just a stack of books and a roaring fire in the cabin fireplace?  Is it sleeping in until noon?  Is it a whole bag Reese's Easter Eggs?  (*Reese eggs are the correct answer if you're not a Christian, just fyi.)

Let's try deeper.  Is it feeling happy in your own skin, no matter how many rolls you see when you sit down?  Is it having a faithful spouse?  Is it fitting in among the popular people at work?  Is it getting that next promotion so you're really valued?  Is it getting away from the person who gaslights you and then knocks you back down? 

Well.  If you said anything like any of that, you're not going to like this next part. 

None of that is anything like Heaven.

I know, I know.  You're thinking, "Oh well I know that but it sounds heavenly all the same" or "Yeah but right about now that does seem like Heaven." 

Ehhhh.  It doesn't really. 

Don't get me wrong.  All of those things sound AMAZING and they're not necessarily bad to want.  (Obviously... Reese eggs were listed.)  But none of that is focused on anything but ME... my comfort... my peace... my desires... my safety... my feelings. 

Heaven, the real and true Heaven, is not about me.  It's not about what we hope i looks like or what we hope we get to do.  It's not about if we get to see our favorite pet again or if my mansion will be near the river of milk and honey.  I mean, if we're picking out lots my mansion will be near Tim Tebow's mansion, but again... not what it's about. 

That sounds like a downer but stick with me. 

It's not about any of that because Heaven IS about worship and because it's about worship, we will feel fully fulfilled and completely whole.  We will no longer be longing, no longer be waiting, no longer be missing anything. 

The fact that in Heaven we will be completely fulfilled and fully satisfied means what we have here that we think makes us happy... those things aren't actually fulfilling at all.  

We might think that Heaven looks like a freshly mowed lawn surrounded by gardens, but Isaiah and 1 Peter tell us that the grass withers and the flowers fade.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, and 1 Corinthians all tell us that the earth will pass away so why would we think that the things of the earth would be fulfilling?

When we turn our posture from one of receiving to one of worship, then we can begin to contemplate Heaven. 

Today, write down a description of Heaven with your heart oriented towards worship.